Saturday, August 4, 2007
Cute Baby Alert!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Happy Trails to You....
so please join us there to check up on our latest adventures.
Friday, July 6, 2007
A camping chair just for me
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Our new favorite
I'm not sure if we'll want to do Grand Canyon again but I think we'll make a point of coming back here.
Friday, June 29, 2007
We're Okay
Carissa's Cupcakes
A while back I met two cupcaking Carissas through an online cupcake group. The first, who goes by Carrie, owns a cupcake bakery in Albuquerque called Cake Fetish . The other Carissa owns a cupcake bakery in Australia.
Since we aren't going to Australia any time soon but we did have to drive through New Mexico to get to the Grand Canyon, we decided to stop in. Sadly Carrie doesn't work on Sundays so I didn't get to meet her in person but we did get to have two cupcakes...a velvet elvis (red velvet) and a half baked (I think it was vanilla cake with mini chocolate chips and a piece of cookie dough).
The cupcakes were dense but good. Joe commented that the decor looked like something I would have done (it was red with black and natural wood accents). So it was a fun little stop on our way to our campground tonight. Thanks, Carrie, for letting us see your place!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It's so big!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Moo Cows
Now I suppose it stands to reason that herds of wild cows exist as humans didn't invent them and farmers who started farming cows so long ago had to have gotten them from somewhere...but the desert? In New Mexico?
After we got our tent set up and dinner made we started hearing cow sounds coming from near the entrance to camp a little less than a quarter mile from where we were. After cleaning up from dinner, we decided to go exploring. Imagine our surprise when as we round the bend and shine our light out towards the road we discover several sets of large green eyes staring right at us. And then the large green eyes started to move toward us. All I could think was that WILD cows are coming at me in the middle of the night!
I wish I could say that I was calm and cool and collected but if I did I would be lying. Joe called after me to remind me that running away from cows was a bad idea. He also pointed out the cow blocker across the road and the fence - both of which were designed to keep the cows out of camp. I stopped running but still wasn't so convinced. I thought perhaps a sufficiently motivated cow could still get at me despite the "cow blocker" and the fence. We decided to leave the cows alone and to go back to our tent.
It took a while to fall asleep.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
On the Road Again
We left from Missouri Friday afternoon and drove just over the border to Oklahoma. We slept in the next day because it was still raining and we preferred to wait it out over breaking our wet gear down in the rain. It stopped raining about 11 and after packing up drove the rest of the way across Oklahoma through some crazy intense rain storms.
Now we are back on the road again this morning. We are hoping to stop by a cupcake cafe owned by a Carissa in New Mexico this afternoon but don't know if we'll make it in time before they close. If you think about it, send some speedy dust our way.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Knitting in Class
I finished knitting the heel flap and then turned the heel and got started on the gusset during the first half of class today and am hoping to have the gusset done by the end of class so I can finish the sock tomorrow.
Friday, June 15, 2007
hedera #2
We are at a retreat this weekend so I probably won't be able to post much until Sunday at the earliest. So since I won't see you until then, have a good weekend!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
We aren't in Kansas Massachusetts anymore, Toto!
This CVS near where I'm staying is HUGE. Not only did it have twice the amount of pharmacy and cosmetic things that regular CVS' do, but this CVS sold furniture and clothes! Furniture! And not just dinky plastic lawn furniture. Like, dressers and desks and bookshelves. Even more weird than the fact that CVS was carrying furniture was that I knid of liked it. It was cool looking French Country furniture. At CVS! Who knew?
Maybe the CVS stores where you guys are are like this one and so I just sound like a crazy person put I certainly never expected my tiny cornerstore drugstore to have furniture and clothing departments!
The Definition of Jo-Rissa
Jo-Rissa -- [noun]: A human transformer (Robot in disguise) 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
Remember that whole celebrity couple naming phenomenon that gave us wonderful words such as Bennifer (Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez) and TomKat (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes). Well, my sister occaisionally calls Hubby and I JoRissa. And aparently according to Quiz Galaxy Jo-Rissa would be defined in the dictionary as above.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Busy Busy
This is our update:
We drove from Aunt Linda's to Missouri early early Sunday morning so I could come to my conference that gives me two free grad school classes (hooray for free grad school classes!). Joe was amazing and sweet and very helpful. He took a late bus that night back to his aunt's where he'll stay while I'm here (they don't provide accommodation for spouses so originally Joe was going to camp nearby but his aunt offered to have him stay with her instead which I think ends up being a better, less lonely deal for Joe). The good news is all this means I have a computer. The bad news is, I'm a smidge lonely without my Joe.
That and my ear is broken. :-( I did something to screw up my right ear our last night in Louisiana. Between lots of ear drops and other ear cleaning out things (which I'm sure most people would prefer I note describe in detail on the blog) I've been able to relieve the pressure quite a bit but I can still only hear out of it about 75% and having my ear plugged up like this makes sounds in my head (like talking, eating, etc) VERY echoy so now I am talking much quieter than usual and can't sing at all and eating crunchy food is almost unbearable. We're concerned about it getting infected not only because that would be inconvenient, but additionally since we are so far from home and don't have health insurance right now. :-( For those who pray, prayer for this would be genuinely appreciated.
And while I'm here.....
Remember my post about crazy Amish town names? Well apparently the southerners are in on the game, too. On Sunday while driving to the school here we passed a town called Belcher in Louisiana and a national park called Toad Suck Park in Arkansas. Who comes up with these?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Joe's Aunt Betty (not the aunt we're staying with) has been in the hospital and is coming home tomorrow. We stopped by today to visit and I got to meet her for the first time. She's real sweet and I enjoyed our time with her. After we left, I told Joe I thought we should bring her flowers or cupcakes or some other similar nice thing to welcome her home. Joe thought cupcakes would be best.
Normally I would agree wholeheartedly but I don't have any of my tools, recipes or ingredients with me as they are all either packed up in our moving cubes or in the mail on my way to me in Oregon. I thought I might be able to do something anyway. Aunt Linda (Aunt Betty's sister and the aunt we're staying with) thought we should do carrot cake.
To make a long story short(er), though not operating in ideal baking conditions (tools, recipes, ingredients, etc), I ended up with 24 carrot cake cupcakes that weren't bad for a first attempt at carrot cake. The frosting was a little tricky, though.
First I did a creamcheese frosting but didn't have any frosting tools so simply used the back of a spoon. While functional, it didn't make the smoothest, most aesthetically pleasing frosting surface. The carrots were a bit fussy as well. The only materials I really had at my disposal were regular silverware and very thin sandwich baggies that had tails at the bottom (which made it hard to do anything too precise). In the end, I wouldn't put them in my portfolio, but they do at least resemble carrots somewhat. Hopefully Aunt Betty will just be charmed we made her cupcakes and won't notice some of my wonky carrots.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
New Tunes
I had heard him on Oprah a few weeks ago (please don't ask why I was watching Oprah) and really liked him. Then when we were in PA, Joe's sister had some of his songs on her ipod and I...uh, I mean Gertrude... was hooked so when a Starbucks we stopped at had his CD for sale, I decided that my favorite green travelling companion needed a little somethin-somethin. She's very happy.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
First Fire
Being the one match fire queen, I was excited to flex my fire building muscles for my husband on our trip. Sadly, the universe conspires against me.
The first night it was so dark by the time we got back from seeing the Yarn Harlot that neither of us could see well enough to gather sufficient materials nor to really construct an effective fire structure. My first one match attempt in years was so lame that I told my pyrohusband he could be in charge of the fires from now on. I did feel better, though, that it took him a lighter and 15 minutes to start a fire that only lasted 5 minutes or so since the combination of very dark and very wet do not roaring campfires make.
The next few days we spent at Joe's parents (where I might add, it rained every night) so no fires on two counts. Our next camping site after that was in Virginia, where it had rained the night before so everything was soaked through. If that weren't enough to keep us from getting a fire going, almost immediately after finishing dinner, the heavens opened and boy did it rain.
Tonight, however, a few hundred miles away in Alabama, things are looking up. We have a beautiful campsite about 50 feet from a lake and since it hasn't rained in days wood is nice and dry for fire building. Husbandito did a great job getting a nice fire going. It makes me wish I had a can of apple pie filling that we could use to make apple pies for dessert in our pie irons. Mmmm pie iron pies....
Mmmm Burrito
Joe wants to try ribs next but I'm a little skeptical. I mean, how embarrassing would it be to have to explain to a mechanic why there is BBQ sauce stuck in one of our belts?
Lunch Experiment Take 2
This morning at our gas station stop, we loaded up the engine (I'm sure people thought we were nuts...but then again we were in Virginia) and at 100 miles the quesadillas were perfect and we flipped the burritos over.
What we've learned so far:
1. Flip over your food every 100 miles or so to ensure even cooking...especially if baking
2. Car engines make amazing quesadillas
Our Little Lunch Experiment take 1
First we wrapped some crescent roll dough around some hotdogs, wrapped them in foil and placed them in various places around our engine block.
First we drove 130 miles and checked. Only a few of them were mostly done. We ate those and flipped the others over. At 177 miles, they were perfect. So the key is apparently to flip them over to assure even cooking.
To be continued...
Monday, June 4, 2007
Moving on
It feels good to finally be on our way....
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Finished the Pomatomoi

Details on the socks for the interested:
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Getting it on in Amish country
Today we drove out to Amish country with Joe's dad and sister. One of my favorite things about Amish country are the names of some of their towns...Intercourse, Bird in Hand, and Blue Ball are my 3 favorites.
Right now we're on our way to have lunch with an Amish family that are family friends of a friend of ours from the grad school. Their town doesn't have a fun name, though.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Day 2
Today started off a little slow. We got up, repacked the car, did a letterbox and drove through the rest of Mass, into CT, spent a long time sitting in traffic in NY and finally arrived at the nursing home that Joe's friend and somewhat adopted father figure lives at. We had a good visit but on our way out, there is a group of men sitting in their wheelchairs and one of them spots me and my hat. Now, I normally do not wear a cowboy hat but we're camping and it makes a nice, airy, summer hat...
So anyway, this man sees me and gets this excited look on his face and goes "You think you're a cowboy? You headin' back to the rayanch? heh" I don't think it sounds nearly as funny written down but this man was rather coherent and was totally making fun of me and my hat.
So that was my excitement for the day...a letterbox, lots of traffic, and getting made fun of by an 85 year old man.
Gertie meets the Yarn Harlot
Day 1
So today was the first day of Team Bonham's moving adventure. After saying goodbye to our friends, mailing the leftover boxes to ourselves, loading our car and cleaning the apartment we left around 2:00 (2 hours later than we wanted to) ...which would have been fine but between traffic and our GPS trying to send us in all kinds of crazy directions, we got to our first important stop (seeing the Yarn Harlot) more than an hour late. :-(
Joe was a good sport, though and waited in line with me for 2 hours to get my book signed and even let me get some sock yarn. The picture above is him and Gertrude patiently waiting with me.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
West Coast or Bust!

Team Bonham is on the move back to the Promise Land. Follow our adventures here as Carissa takes a break from her regular blog.